Support Systems Nature Club

Prakriti, Nature Club


Nature clubs typically have a range of objectives focused on appreciating, protecting, and learning about the natural world. Here are some common goals:

  • Foster appreciation for nature:
    Nature clubs aim to cultivate a love and respect for the environment among their members. This can involve spending time outdoors, learning about different ecosystems, and appreciating the beauty and wonder of nature.
  • Educate about environmental issues:
    Raising awareness about environmental challenges like pollution, climate change, and habitat loss is a key objective. Nature clubs may organize talks, workshops, or discussions to educate members about these issues.
  • Promote conservation:
    Nature clubs often take an active role in protecting the environment. This might involve activities like tree planting, clean-up drives, or advocating for environmental policies.
  • Connect with nature:
    Many nature clubs organize hikes, camping trips, and other outdoor activities to provide opportunities for members to experience nature firsthand.
  • Build community:
    Nature clubs offer a space for people who share a passion for the environment to connect, learn from each other, and take action together.


    Environmental Awareness and Education:

  • Organize educational programs, workshops, and seminars to increase awareness about environmental issues and sustainable practices.
  • Develop and distribute educational materials such as brochures, posters, and online content.
  • Community Engagement:

  • Conduct outreach activities to engage the local community in environmental conservation efforts.
  • Partner with local organizations, schools, and community groups to promote environmental initiatives.
  • Conservation Projects:

  • Plan and implement conservation projects such as tree planting, clean-up drives, and habitat restoration.
  • Monitor and maintain local natural areas to ensure their preservation and health.
  • Sustainable Practices:

  • Promote and practice sustainable living among members and the wider community.
  • Organize workshops on topics like recycling, composting, and reducing carbon footprints.
  • Advocacy and Campaigning:

  • Advocate for environmental policies and practices at the local, regional, and national levels.
  • Run campaigns to raise awareness and drive action on key environmental issues, such as plastic pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
  • Biodiversity Monitoring:

  • Conduct surveys and research to monitor local biodiversity and track changes in the environment.
  • Maintain records of local flora and fauna, contributing to broader conservation efforts.
  • Workshops and Training:

  • Organize training sessions to equip members with skills needed for environmental conservation, such as species identification, ecological surveying, and sustainable gardening.
  • Invite experts to share knowledge and expertise with club members.

Committee Member

S.No Name Designation Role
1 Mr. P.Srilaxmi Durga Assistant Professor Coordinator
2 Ms.P. Radhika Devi Assistant Professor

Mr. P.Srilaxmi Durga