The Discipline Committee is an essential body within educational institutions, tasked with maintaining and promoting a conducive environment for learning by upholding standards of conduct and discipline among students.


  • To ensure calm and peaceful academic atmosphere in the campus.
  • To avoid physical confrontation among students.
  • To conduct enquiries on report of indiscipilinary activities among students
  • To initiate model actions against students involved in indiscipilinary activities
  • To initiate steps to reduce violence, confrontation in future

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To ensure calm and peaceful academic atmosphere in the campus.
  • To avoid physical confrontation among students.
  • To ensure all the students wear ID Cards while they are in the campus.
  • To enforce total prohibition of cell phone usage by the students while the class works is going on.
  • To monitor the movement of the students in the college and prevent students loitering around in the corridors during the college working hours.
  • To prevent the students leaving the college early without prior permission from the concerned authorities.
  • To ensure smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited in the college campus.
  • To maintain proper discipline in the college canteen and student waiting room during the college working hours.
  • To assist the college anti-ragging committee in preventing ragging in the College.

By following these objectives, composition guidelines, and rules and regulations, the Student Activities Committee aims to create a vibrant, inclusive, and engaging campus environment that supports the interests and well-being of the student body.

Disciplinary Rules and Regulations

    Discipline is a priority for the success of any venture. Be it related to matters of general conduct, attendance, punctuality, dress, body language or academic performance, discipline has a bearing on all aspects of a student's personality. At Aurora, discipline is valued and promoted, both among the staff and students.

    Students are expected to abide by the rules of the college and refrain from any activity that harms the dignity of the individual or casts a slur on the image of the institution. Any violation of the college norms shall be dealt with strictly and the student will be penalized accordingly. Cooperation of parents/guardians is essential in this regard.

  • Dress Code:Students shall wear College uniforms every day. The approved style of wearing uniform should be strictly followed.
    Prescribed Dress Code for boys (MBA) - Sky blue color full shirt, Black trouser, (Shirt should be tucked) Navy blue with white stripe tie, Black shoe, Black belt, neat hair style and clean shave and ID-Cards.
    For Girls (MBA) Sky blue color full shirt, Black trouser, Black Jacket, Black Shoes and neat hair style and ID card.
    For boys (MCA)- Pastel yellow color full shirt, Black trouser, (Shirt should be tucked) brown color tie, Black shoe, Black belt, neat hair style and clean shave and ID-Cards.
    For Girls (MCA) Pastel yellow color full shirt, Black trouser, Black Jacket, Black Shoes and neat hair style and ID card.
    Please note that jeans and T-shirts do not form part of the dress code. Those who are improperly dressed and have a shabby appearance will not be allowed into the college premises. Any exemption to it will be notified by the authority.
  • Each student should wear the College Identity Card round the neck while on the campus and should produce it when demanded by authority.
  • Entry shall not be given if a student is late to college. Students are supposed to be present in the college by 9:10 AM. The entry of latecomers will be regulated and monitored by the college authorities.
  • The kind of language we use is a reflection of our personality and our home environment. Use of slang and abusive language, whistling in the college premises, are all strictly discouraged and violators are liable to be penalized.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages, narcotics and other addictive substances on the college premises, or coming to college having consumed elsewhere, will entail dismissal from the college and conduct certificate will not be issued.
  • Smoking on the college campus is strictly prohibited and the student will be suspended from the college with immediate effect and recommended for punishment as per Section 4 of the "Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act 2003".
  • Ragging is a legal offence as per "Telangana Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997". Students are cautioned against indulging in any activity that may be classified as "ragging" in and around the college campus, in student buses or at boarding/alighting points. Those found aiding and abetting ragging are also equally accountable for their actions. Ragging entails suspension, dismissal, heavy fines, and imprisonment.
  • Not attending classes while being on the premises and en masse absenteeism are both viewed with displeasure.
  • Students are advised to mind their body language. It communicates more than words. Slouching in corridors or sitting on the parapet walls or on the steps at the entrance are discouraged.
  • Any damage to college property, such as scribbling on walls, tables, drawing boards, is seriously viewed.
  • Rising to greet when a teacher enters the classroom adds value to one's own personality Conduct towards faculty and peer group should be impeccable.
  • Irregular attendance, indifference in regard to class work and examination, discourtesy towards teachers, insubordination, obscenity in word and act, willful damage to College property, anti-social activities, etc are liable for disciplinary action which includes expulsion from the College.
  • Loitering and wasting time on the College campus causes indiscipline on the College campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Attendance to the College functions like association meetings, College assembly, seminars, group discussions, Industrial visits, Viva Voce, etc is obligatory to all students.
  • Without the permission of the Director, students shall not organize any activities or associate with any outside group concerned with the College.
  • The Director shall have the power to expel any student from the College if the student is guilty of serious misconduct or student's presence in the College is injurious to the order and discipline.
  • Latecomers can enter the class only if permitted by the lecturer. They may be marked present by him/her at the end of an hour only if there is sufficient reason for being late.
  • The use of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the class rooms during class hour.
  • Each student shall be bound by all the rules and regulations made by the College.
  • Any student found misbehaving on the campus or behaving arrogantly, violently towards the faculty, staff or fellow students will be liable for disciplinary action and shall be severally punished.

Committee Member

S.No Name Designation Role
1 Dr.P.S.SubhaPradha Associate Professor Coordinator
2 Mr.V. Shiva Kumar Assistant Professor Coordinator
